Woodland Camo
Woodland camouflage is designed for dense forests, jungles, and mixed terrain where green and brown tones dominate. These patterns help break up outlines and provide effective concealment in shaded, vegetation-heavy environments.
This page covers a variety of woodland camouflage types, including U.S. M81 Woodland, Centre-Europe (CCE), Tiger Stripe, and Flecktarn. Whether for military applications, hunting, or outdoor gear, these camo patterns offer different levels of contrast and coverage for diverse woodland settings.
The Camouflage Centre-Europe (CCE) pattern is the standard camouflage used by the...
Kamysh Woodland
The Kamysh (Камыш) Woodland Tigr (Тигр) camouflage is a distinctive Russian tiger...
Leopard Spot
The Zairean Leopard Spot Camouflage Pattern stands as a testament to the...
Tiger Stripe LLS
The Late War Lightweight Sparse (LLS) Tiger Stripe camouflage, developed during the...
Portuguese Lizard
The Portuguese Lizard Camouflage (M1964 or m64) was developed in the 1960s...
U.S. M81 Woodland
The U.S. “M81” Woodland Camouflage, introduced in the early 1980s, was the...
Wz. 89 Puma
The Wz. 89 Puma camouflage pattern was introduced by the Polish Armed...