Urban camouflage is designed to provide concealment in city environments, where traditional woodland or desert patterns are less effective. These patterns are developed to blend into concrete, asphalt, glass reflections, and artificial lighting, helping wearers remain undetected in built-up areas, industrial zones, and shadowed spaces. Urban camo varies in color schemes, geometric patterns, and contrast levels, each optimized for different tactical and functional applications.

Urban camouflage is selected based on operational needs, environmental factors, and the level of concealment required. High-contrast patterns like M81 Urban and Metro Camo excel in night operations, while digital designs such as Tetris Camo and UCP offer better adaptability against multiple detection methods. RADA Camouflage represents a more specialized approach, incorporating elements of both disruption and identity. Each pattern plays a role in modern urban warfare, tactical applications, and law enforcement operations, demonstrating the evolving need for concealment in complex city landscapes.